COREY TAYLOR Covers POISON's 'Nothin' But A Good Time'; BRET MICHAELS Says He Is 'Honored'

April 29, 2019

Bret Michaels says that it is an "honor" to see Corey Taylor covering the POISON classic "Nothin' But A Good Time".

The SLIPKNOT and STONE SOUR singer has played the song several times at various concerts over the years, including at his April 13 solo show at Q Casino And Hotel in Dubuque, Iowa.

Over the weekend, Michaels took to his Facebook page to share a video of Taylor's rendition (see below),along with the following caption: "How awesome & what an honor to have the incredible Corey Taylor of SLIPKNOT covering #NothingButAGoodTime Corey and the band are absolutely amazing - check them out in the video from [the April 13] show at the Q Casino!"

Taylor's solo concerts regularly include covers of such artists as GUNS N' ROSES and VAN HALEN.

His recent show in Green Bay sold out within an hour after tickets went on sale back in February.

In addition to working on SLIPKNOT's new album, Taylor has kept busy in recent months guesting on tracks by FALLING IN REVERSE and U.K. rapper Kid Bookie.

SLIPKNOT will embark on a European tour this summer before launching the "Knotfest Roadshow" across North America.

The band's as-yet-untitled new album is scheduled for release on August 9.

How awesome & what an honor to have the incredible Corey Taylor of Slipknot covering #NothingButAGoodTime ?? Corey and the band are absolutely amazing ? - check them out in the video from tonight's show at the Q Casino!

#Coreytaylor #Slipknot #livemusic #concert #bretmichaels #singersongwriter

Posted by Bret Michaels on Sunday, April 28, 2019

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